10 Ways Businesses Can Fight Poverty In Their Community

During National Poverty Awareness Month, we focused on how poverty is a pervasive issue affecting each member of our society, from the rise of social costs to deepening inequality and poor health outcomes. Only by thinking of poverty as a societal issue and not an individual one can we start to identify solutions to achieve real change in our communities.

In this series, we are exploring ways that different sectors & institutions can work to reduce poverty in their communities. This article outlines actionable steps local businesses can take to create a permanent shift for the better.

There are many benefits for businesses that develop local plans to address poverty in their community. They can foster positive relationships while also making measurable changes in the locations where their customers and employees live.

Our action steps are organized into nine core areas, including:

  1. Basic Needs. The essentials needed for survival like food, clean drinking water, clothing, and personal care items. 

  2. Child Care. Quality, accessible, safe, and affordable care for minor children while parents/guardians are at work or school.

  3. Education. Learning through instruction, often in a structured environment and emphasizing quality, affordable, and safe education opportunities for children and adults that align with career goals.

  4. Employment. Emphasis on employment opportunities that provide a pathway to economic independence. Jobs should pay a living wage, match skill sets, and allow for growth.

  5. Financial Stability. Having adequate economic resources to support oneself for a sustained period. In addition to wages, financial stability includes financial literacy, access to traditional banking institutions and products, emergency support, child support, case assistance, tax transfers, and savings.

  6. Health. The state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being.

  7. Housing. Stable, safe, well-maintained, and appropriately sized shelter.

  8. Safety. Peaceful and stable communities that provide local opportunities and amenities.

  9. Transportation. Safe, reliable public transportation options around jobs, residential centers, and hours. Affordable private solutions when public options are not viable.

10 Ways Businesses Can Help Fight Poverty

The following action steps are all taken from our National Plan to End Poverty. We’ve identified ten ways businesses can take action, but we also invite you to visit the Plan and discover additional ways to suit your company and community.

  1. Join the Movement. Recognize that ending poverty needs to start locally and cannot solely be addressed by government policy & initiatives. Commit to taking action today at your place of business by evaluating the following action items and selecting one to act on this quarter.

  2. Basic Needs. Coordinate volunteer drives to collect and donate essential items; donate your overages or manufacture surplus dedicated to supporting a local nonprofit or homeless shelter; or schedule a volunteer day (alternatively facilitate employee volunteer hours) with an organization that addresses basic needs.

  3. Child Care. Develop a child care partnership to provide care to address child care costs for your employees; offer flexible work hours or hybrid models to allow employees to meet the needs in their role as a caregiver; or offer child care benefits such as an on-site child care center or dependent care assistance plan.

  4. Education. Adopt a local school to donate supplies or technology; offer work-related education benefits to your employees to help advance their careers; or establish a partnership with a local school to provide volunteer homework help and mentoring.

  5. Employment. “Ban the box” on job applications to increase opportunities for individuals pursuing reentry; target recruitment efforts, especially in under-resourced areas; or support an apprenticeship or training program.

  6. Financial Stability. Develop a financial literacy presentation for a local school; institute a return-to-work program to counter traditional risks brought about by injury or illness; or offer financial education workshops in-house to your employees.

  7. Health. Offer innovative health insurance options; provide on-site health screenings and vaccinations; or develop a corporate wellness program.

  8. Housing. Volunteer time and services to become part of an integrative housing initiative; donate funds or land that can be used to build affordable housing; or partner with companies bringing new technology to housing solutions.

  9. Safety. Support employees who utilize public transportation by advocating for lighting & security; invest in violence reduction programs in your community; or create employment pathways for individuals in poverty.

  10. Transportation. Advocate for public transportation options; build your business near transportation hubs; or subsidize transportation for low-income employees.


As shown above, businesses can play an important role in supporting their community and their staff. Organizations can make a difference in various ways, such as by encouraging employee volunteerism and contributing to local service organizations. Additionally, businesses can help create meaningful employment opportunities—by providing job training, subsidizing wages in certain areas, or creating internships.

Want to learn more about ways YOUR business can help support your community? Reach out to us today and we will be happy to speak with you.

This article is the first in a series of posts where we will explore the different ways that sectors & institutions can take action in their communities. 

But you don’t have to wait until our next blog to get started - visit the  National Plan to End Poverty for action plans and learnings so you can make a difference today.


Download the 10 Ways Businesses Can Fight Poverty in their Communities.


Enlightened selfishness


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