Why a national plan to end poverty?
Katherin Phillips Katherin Phillips

Why a national plan to end poverty?

There is a lot of energy around justice today. Let’s take that to its rightful end - empowering and supporting people who are the most vulnerable among us. Whatever action(s) you are moved to take, no matter your political or social perspective, let’s support those who have known only poverty from birth, who live each day in economic instability, with all the vulnerabilities that come with that.

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Whether you do a lot or a little, it is worth the effort
Mark Bergel Mark Bergel

Whether you do a lot or a little, it is worth the effort

We have now lived 58 years in this country since the War on Poverty was declared. Whether or not it has been a success is arguable to some, but it is not an argument you want to have with people who struggle each day because of the violence and scarcity surrounding them.

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What makes this a true national plan?
Mark Bergel Mark Bergel

What makes this a true national plan?

Every county in the United States has poverty, so you do not have to look far to find where your actions will be helpful. The Action Guide provides clear, concrete actions that individuals, businesses, and organizations from all sectors can take to end poverty and work toward economic security.

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