What are you doing Saturday?

If you have some time, and if the address bar on your computer or phone auto-fills to nationalpovertyplan.org, you can find out in a keystroke and a click or two what you can do this weekend to help the most vulnerable children and families in your area.

Every day, not far from your home, families are living with extreme hunger, while even closer, thousands of pounds of food are being thrown away. Every day, no matter where you live, children near you go to school in clothes that do not fit, making them feel embarrassed in ways that most other kids never have to experience.

Every day, parents choose to forego medical check-ups so they can pay their rent. Or because they are not sure where they can go. Every day, access is difficult, and obstacles seem insurmountable. You can change this.

Do you have any time Saturday? Is there another day that works? We have made it simple to choose from hundreds of different actions, no matter how old you are, if you want to do it by yourself or with others, or what day you have available to help.

There is something for everyone to do, and all you have to do is put nationalpovertyplan.org on your computer or phone today.


What makes this a true national plan?


Violence & poverty: It is time to help our elected officials