What Can I Do To Help?

If there were a question that summed up what is behind our National Plan to End Poverty, it would be: “What can I do to help?”

Amidst the tumult of our current time - and dating back years, decades, and generations - poverty and the struggle of millions of our neighbors has been calling for an all-hands-on-deck approach. But, like other crises, it requires all of us to engage, not look elsewhere for solutions.

Our plan will provide solutions you can implement and actions you can take. It is a plan that unites us and brings us together to solve what has previously been seen as an intractable problem in our society.

For nearly one hundred years, we have approached poverty in well-intentioned ways but ineffective.

Programs have addressed symptoms, moved people around, and managed poverty rather than solving it. We have looked at those in poverty as being at fault, and we have implemented a system that has sometimes helped but sometimes made it harder for people to find a way out.

It is time to change that. And you can help. In a big way.

Become a Beta Tester or a Reader. The National Plan to End Poverty beta test will begin in March. At that time, the tool will go live, but we will not make a major announcement - or tell the world, so to speak. Instead, we will go live to expand our network of feedback and let some organic energy build. At present, we have some amazing people on board as beta testers and readers. We would love to add more. We have Zoom meetings every day to show folks the plan. If you would like to learn more about being a beta tester, serving as an early reader, or getting a sneak peek, please email me directly.

Share With Your Networks. We are building relationships around the country. Please share our info if you know someone who might be interested - no matter where they live. We are reaching out to those who live and work in urban, suburban, and rural areas.

Support The National Plan. We are eager to share The National Plan to End Poverty with the public. The date of the public release will depend on feedback from the beta test and our success in building up a financial base that will allow us to:

    • Put together a true national launch, with the appropriate media ready to help us share this plan around the country.

    • Ensure we can interact with a large national audience

Provide Feedback. Please send any thoughts or ideas our way. While we are still in this nascent stage, it is nice to be able to reply to those who write.

This is a time that calls for our shared humanity to make its way back to the forefront of our lives. We are motivated by that daily and hope you will join us here at The Shared Humanity Project.

To a year of coming together in many ways,



It is a matter of will. What WILL you do?