Strategies for Civic Associations to Alleviate Poverty: 10 Approaches

Poverty is a pervasive issue that affects every member of our society, from social costs to deepening inequality and poor health outcomes. Solving poverty requires a collective effort, and one group that can make a difference is civic associations. In this article, we will explore actionable steps civic associations can take to combat poverty in their communities.

Our action steps are organized into nine core areas, and they were outlined in our first blog for this series.

10 Ways Civic Associations Can Help Fight Poverty

The following action steps are taken from our National Plan to End Poverty. We’ve identified ten ways civic associations can take action, but we also invite you to visit the Plan and discover additional ways to suit your organization and community.

1. Join the Movement. Recognize that ending poverty needs to start locally and cannot solely be addressed by government policy and initiatives. Commit to taking action today by evaluating the following action items and selecting one to act on this quarter.

2. Basic Needs. Organize food drives or volunteer at local food banks and pantries; create a network of community members willing to donate gently used clothing and household items to those in need; or work with local organizations to provide personal care items to those who cannot afford them.

3. Child Care. Advocate for policies that support affordable and accessible child care for all families; partner with local organizations to provide after-school and summer programs for children in low-income families; or create a directory of recommended child care providers in your community.

4. Education. Organize tutoring and mentorship programs for students in low-income families; advocate for policies that ensure all students have access to quality education; or partner with local schools to provide school supplies and technology to students who cannot afford them.

5. Employment. Host job fairs and workshops to help community members find employment; advocate for policies that support living wages and worker protections; or partner with local businesses to provide job training and internships.

6. Financial Stability. Host workshops on financial literacy and budgeting; advocate for policies that support affordable housing and access to banking services; or partner with local organizations to provide emergency financial assistance to those in need.

7. Health. Host health fairs and clinics to provide free or low-cost health screenings and services; advocate for policies that ensure access to affordable health care for all; or partner with local organizations to provide mental health services and support.

8. Housing. Advocate for policies that support affordable and safe housing for all; partner with local organizations to provide housing assistance and support to those in need; or organize community events to promote housing awareness and advocate for change.

9. Safety. Work with local law enforcement and community members to promote safety and reduce crime in low-income neighborhoods; provide resources and support to victims of crime; or organize community events to promote safety awareness and advocate for change.

10. Transportation. Advocate for policies that ensure affordable and accessible transportation for all community members; partner with local organizations to provide transportation assistance and support to those in need; or organize community events to promote transportation awareness and advocate for change.


Civic associations play an important role in supporting their communities and combating poverty. By taking actionable steps in areas such as basic needs, education, employment, and health, these organizations can make a lasting impact on the lives of community members. Additionally, by advocating for policies that support positive economic change and by fostering a sense of community and connectedness, civic associations can help build a more equitable and resilient society.

If you want to learn more about ways your civic association can help combat poverty in your community, we encourage you to visit the National Plan to End Poverty for action plans and resources.  

If you are a civic association member actively working to end poverty, we would love to hear from you so we can include your work in the plan.

Together, we can work towards a more just and equitable society for all.


Download the 10 Ways Civic Associations Can Fight Poverty in their Communities.


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