A season of possibility

One thing I have learned in decades of working with people in poverty - and with people working on poverty - is that no one sector will solve this alone. But it is solvable.

It is not a magic program that will solve it. Certainly, it will not be solved by a special day of volunteering or giving, though both are kind gestures.

Poverty is not the responsibility of the government or those working in it. Nor is it the responsibility of the nonprofit sector or faith communities.

It is, rather, in your hands.

Wherever you live, whatever you do, and whatever you think about your fellow human beings, the way that we will ensure our country lives up to its potential - that we find our way to being united - is by you thinking bigger about what is possible.

Whatever your efforts, they will not take away from the life you seek. They will bring to it more meaning and greater resonance.

We offer this guide to assist with whatever thoughts you may have about helping.

This is a season of thanks and celebration. It comes with anticipation, planning, or thoughts about what is next - what is possible in the new year. I hope you will think big.


At the very least, we can love each other much better


Love that knows no bounds and tolerates no suffering